Announcement: Methodist Support

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We have a huge announcement to make….Methodist Dallas Medical Center has partnered with us in such a massive way. They are our first premier community sponsor! This means we will be adding in some much needed infrastructure and designing and building out a community area for the farm. We will be sharing more details on what that means in the next month, hint hint, we are working with Elmwood architect Eric Gonzales on some incredibly thoughtful concepts.

Methodist saw what we were doing in the community and was quick to reach out. After meeting with Laura, from Methodist, we learned our farm and the hospital share the same vision for Oak Cliff. As a team, we talk often about how the health of everything is connected: our ecology, our bodies, and our community. As we mentioned before, Methodist became our first premier sponsor. We started this project fueled by ideas and optimism. Community development also takes money. Their financial gift allows us to make a strong launch this Fall and put in the infrastructure that turns this fledgling garden into a space that can truly welcome the entire community to participate in growing and sharing healthy, delicious food.


Site Visit from Laura from Methodist

Farming during Covid: Socially distanced and with masks.


Sneak Peek

Like we said this sponsorship is going to open to some big doors for the farm!

Doug Klembara

Doug Klembara is a photographer + filmmaker + creative consultant available work worldwide. Whether capturing moments in the studio, venturing through new countries, or building relationships with other creatives, Doug passionately creates. 

He strives to find and then share the beauty he sees in the world, and is constantly learning new concepts and techniques.

The Chickens Have Arrived


The Farm Branding